Monday 3 October 2011

Quilt #9?

Long time no post! That is the life of a public school teacher. I had 9 weeks of leisure and then September was very busy for a month! Luckily it is now October and I am getting into the swing of things.

So my goal this summer was to make 10 quilts and read 10 books in 9 weeks.  I have a feeling that was a little over ambitious...but I came close (with the quilts anyways).  Unfortunately, I selected to leave all my bigger, larger quilting projects for the summer (and books that were equally as lenghtly!).

So I ended up making 9 quilts in 9 weeks (not bad me thinks!) but I only read 5 books (could have done better there...maybe next summer I should learn how to read and quilt at the same time!).

My 9th quilt project was not really a quilt at all but a set of placemats.  I bought this fabric awhile ago and made one and hated it, got frustrated and threw it in a box never to be seen again.  But I wanted to practice some of my different quilting patterns so I got the box out and made 10 placemats.  If I do say so myself, I think they turned out pretty well!

Quilt #9 - here is the front of them

And here is the back so you can see the design -loops, stars, and swirls!
So there you have it.  9 quilts in 9 weeks. Summer challenge complete.

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